Friday, November 6, 2015


“If cities were alive, rivers would be their arteries.  Since time immemorial, rivers have been the lifeblood of civilization.  The greatest cities in the world: Rome, London, Paris, Moscow-all are built on rivers. In Pittsburgh, we owe the existence of our own city to its three rivers: The Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio.”

“And the embers never fade in your city by the lake, the place where you were born.”

-The Smashing Pumpkins

Hello! My name is Faith Cotter and I’ve lived on both sides of the river in Pittsburgh, from Brookline to East Liberty and plenty of neighborhoods in between. This city is in my blood—my great uncle helped to build it when he worked in the steel mills, and my father was an employee of St. Paul’s Cathedral in Oakland from the 1970s to the early 2000s. He says that the best view of the city is from the belfry of St. Paul’s, though apparently, the pigeons enjoy that view as well. 

Despite its history, as well as my own, I was well into adulthood before I fully appreciated the hidden beauty of Pittsburgh. It took seeing this town through the eyes of someone who did not grow up here to be captivated by dignified sculptures of lions atop a bridge with chipped paint, and the tiny churches dwarfed by skyscrapers on either side of the century-old stone. 

This blog will detail some of my favorite Pittsburgh haunts (literally), blending my love of architecture and history using multiple modes of storytelling: text, images, and video. 

I hope you enjoy walking in the footsteps of the past with me. 

Photos and text by Faith Cotter

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