Monday, November 23, 2015

A Tree Grows In North Side

When I was a junior in college, one of my English professors was new to the city. She told us that if she wanted green space back in Chicago that she would go to a cemetery. She was still adjusting to Pittsburgh, but appreciated all of the trees and parks.

I worked at a summer camp in Farmington, PA as an archery director. The 250-acre lake and densely forested mountain spoiled me, and it was always difficult to come back to Pittsburgh after a long summer in the woods. At the time—attending university and working Downtown-- I didn’t think Pittsburgh was especially beautiful, until my professor shared her observation about nature in the city with the class. It’s a comment that’s stayed with me, and since then I’ve been particularly interested in nature in urban spaces, and all the curious places it grows and thrives. The idea of a single tree sprouting up in front of a house or in-between apartment buildings--it's really lovely.

The following photos were taken in/at Brookline, East Liberty, Chatham University, Carnegie Mellon University, Mellon Park, Schenley Park, Allegheny Commons, East Allegheny, Mexican War Streets, and Shadyside. 


Photos and text by Faith Cotter

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